I do this all the fucking time

NOTE: not mine

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    Ctrl + S S S S S
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    @SoldierOfCode oh hell yeah I do that all the time
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    What about Y Y P?
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    Middle mouse button anyone?
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    Makes sense tho... When you C-V - you see the feedback, i.E. the pasted data appears in front of you. When you C-C - there is no feedback, so you can never be sure you have copied anything.

    Repeating the C-C 7 times in a row reduces the probability of a miss :)
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    @netikras yeah, but an uninitiated person would find it quite amusing to some some dude frantically mash the C button as fast as he possibly can lmao
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    CTRL + C

    Then, Either:
    CTRL + V
    WIN KEY + V (Select from previously copied stuff. Windows only, I think)

    ...anyone? Just me?
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    @no-oxygen we don’t use Windows here.

    Just kidding, use whatever the hell you want. I don’t use Windows for development though :D
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    @OmerFlame Firm policy, as a .NET developer I cannot escape Redmond grasp 😁
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    @no-oxygen oh god, JIT languages are my top enemy. Though, if you like what you do, keep going :D
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    Get yourself a clipboard manager and then set the last 3 - 10 clips to key commands.

    I'm currently using the clipboard manager that comes with Better Touch Tool... but whatever can bind key commands to a clipboard history would work.

    Changed my fucking life.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi I have tried one of those, I can confidently say that I didn’t like them really. There is something very reassuring in spamming C-C all the time, idk. But everyone and their preferences :D
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    I just bought the laptop which has a bad chance of keyboard working on the bottom, so instead of Ctrl C C, I do Ctrl C C X V now.
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