
Took notes in a meeting few weeks ago about things left to do. Now I can't read my own fucking notes cuz handwriting looks like ants with dirty feet were let loose on the paper.

Welp, FML.

  • 6
    If you know anyone that is a nurse they will decipher them immediately
  • 4
    @Jilano nah this is beyond. Looks like I wrote in my sleep. (Which, might be true)
  • 4
    @NoMad then I would go the way, that @Lyym suggested.

    Some folks in that field can decipher ancient hieroglyphs before their first coffee..
  • 1
    I feel you, my handwriting is so crappy. Always was, but it's only getting worse.
  • 1
    Feel you. My cursive looks like it's out of the year 1700. Hard to read sometimes.
  • 1
    This is the story of my life.
  • 0
    @Jilano *returns KFC secret sauce formula
  • 1
    Most times I'd prefer NOT to understand wtf I wrote in a meeting so gg wp
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