
Why isn't physics an optional class in my computer science degree?

I mean, why would they assume I will need more physics in my life? I had physics until my senior year in school, we're pretty much learning the same thing! The only purpose I see in this crappy class is to lower my average, I will never need to know how to measure forces, sound waves or magnetic fields.

I know some people will need some of this in the future but it's a very small portion I bet.

I've always hated physics and to make matters worse I need to go to exam (if we fail the class by tests we need to go to exam) and I've been studying ever since the semester is over when I could've been on vacation and studying stuff that really matters, like how to make gui's and playing more with Linux and C. But no, I have a shitty exam in the 13th (Friday) and because of it I only have 1.5 weeks until classes start.

I just hate physics so God damn much...

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    What if you were hired to develop software for an oil company? Or a tech company that need simulation software for prosthetics or civic engineering? What if you had to write software to calculate oscillation on bridge designs? What if you were to write a game engine?

    Love physics. It's what keep you grounded, literally.
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    @viking8, also game development. It's the only industry where I used most of the Maths and Physics knowledge I got from College. That being said... I hate it too :P
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    Exactly what I don't want to do!! If anybody wanted to do anything of that sort sure, let them have physics but I don't want to do anything related with physics, and certainly not the old "I want to make games" cliché.

    My point was I've had enough physics in high school, there's no need for it in college
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    @eeeddr @Eariel you don't have to love everything you are assigned to. Sometimes just get through it - might boost your knowledge of something or peak an interest you didn't think you'd have.

    As for me, I refactored a database access layer today. Renaming 2411 fields, by hand, sucked hairy monkey balls doing it, eyes burning - but sometimes you just gotta get through it. Tomorrow and the next week , most likely, is writing tests to ensure everything is in order. Shittiest thing you can possibly do, but extremely satisfying being done with it. Same with classes, I hated some - but now, 14 years later I regret not going deeper into it.
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    @eeeddr Physics is the assembly of the universe. There will never be a problem where understanding the physical background won't help you. Back when I started chemistry, I wasn't the biggest fan of physics either but after you see that a few calculations beforehand could have prevented a third degree burn you start seeing the benefits of predicting how reality will react to your actions. And further, there is nothing in a basic physics class that cannot be solved using unit comparison and simple algebra.
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    But physics is everything, and everywhere. Even when you don't think you're using physics, you're using physics. I personally love to try to break normal everyday things down into the base forms and look at the physics behind it. It is almost like meditating for me.
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