
So.. we aren’t allowed to share our opinions anymore?

  • 8
    SO mentality is difusing into dR too.
  • 25
    Sure we are... But sometimes your opinion may have counter opinions.
  • 16
    No one is interested in a random opinion. A rant that explained your experience in better detail would have gotten more ++.

    Getting a low score doesn't mean you can't share your opinion (except on devrant where downvoted posts inexplicably get completely hidden from the feed).
  • 1
    "What" is buggy, it's not all buggy.
  • 11
    Not if you use light mode
  • 0
    @electrineer “except on devRant”
    And where the fuck are we?
  • 0
    @jespersh That’s what I am saying. Freedom of expressing opinion about a counter-opinion about my opinion about something. But you don’t think that should happen.

    Triple standards.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Well, Windows is beautiful but I have seen people upvoting the shit out of a post that says “Windows is shit.”
  • 0
    @10Dev You are a modeist!
  • 2
    @Cyanide Because it’s shit xD
  • 1
    it's not popular opinion
  • 1
    I'd ++ that. Fucking true.
  • 0
    @yehaaw Should I now downvote your comment?
  • 0
    @yehaaw Side note: I upvoted it.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 1
    @Cyanide promise kept ;)
  • 7
    I smell a double-standard here, ngl.

    So now here you are ranting about "not being allowed to share your opinion" because some other people "shared" their opinion in the form of a downvote?

    I mean, I would just scroll past the rant or go into a civilized discussion on your rant instead of straight-up downvoting but do note, people do have their own right to downvote your rant as well...

    You get to post your rant, others get to upvote or downvote your rant, it's simple as that really...
  • 8
    @FinlayDaG33k It’s like people claiming they have their freedom of speech threatened because someone else of opposing views exercises their freedom of speech by making saying they don’t agree.
  • 3
    @FinlayDaG33k @Python Chill out guys! I am on freedom’s side when it comes to Freedom of Expression.

    Maybe my mesage wasn’t clear. I do agree with people exercising their right to downvote.

    This FoE discussion can get too long than required, so let’s just not have it.

  • 1
    We never were.

    (talking in general, not devRant only)
  • 1
    @jespersh No. That's not how downvotes work on dR.
  • 2
    You get 1 downdoot and all of a sudden people are trying to censor your opinion? Bit OTT, I think.
  • 3
    @gibus @NoMad you started this "downdoot" terminology. I'll always have a love/hate relation with you >.<
  • 1
    @gibus Because just like @junon said, dR downvotes work differently than other platforms.
  • 2
    @3rdWorldPoison again, never said don't downvote them. I said "explain why, **if** they're new to the community".

    But the community here is becoming toxic anyways. Like, if you don't like something original and it ain't offensive, just move the fuck on. What are these morons trying to enforce by using this one little downdoot power anyways?
    May karma settle the scores with them. (cuz I personally cba caring about them)

    Anyways, sorry for my side rant.
    Peace out. ✌️
  • 2
    Sure, but people can disagree with your opinions as well 🙄
  • 1
    True , iOS is buggy. You know what is even more buggy? kaios!
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