
I've been healthy since spring. I follow all precautions. Now I've been diagnosed with covid, at Christmas and I feel like shit. I hope I don't lose my taste.

Realy, fuck me...

  • 2
    Ooh dear 🙁! At least you're asymptomatic; I hope you'll get well soon.
  • 2
    Oh dear, hope you're OK. What symptoms do you have? I've had a splitting headache all day, and we're right on the edge of tier 4 in the UK, where the new, virulent varient of the virus is spreading fast.
  • 2
    Bummer! What’s your best guess for the transmission point?
  • 4
    oh no!! how? and if you feel well, how come you were tested? I've heard the tests aren't very reliable but I really don't know sorry dev friend
  • 0
    get well soon buddy.
  • 0
    Feel better, that sounds awful :(
  • 0
    @nibor Sadly i'am not asymptomatic. Fever, headache, cough. Like strong flu.
  • 1
    @sheriffderek Lots of people here does not wear a masks or follow the precautions. I just got some load somewhere. My best gues is some small shop without ventination. But who knows.
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