
Hey guys. Was wondering what to do when you're in college and your assignment is to code a physical robot through a maze and half of your team can barely write 'Hello World'.

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    Code it alone and blackmail them
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    @RazorSh4rk that's true.

    If you want to be in top 3% of devs, get used to it, maybe not that extreme, but still...
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    Rather do a good job and involve them. This is your opportunity to show that you are not just a good Dev but an awesome human being
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    @qbalsdon I've tried that couple of times, and trust me, there is a reason they "barely can do Hello World".

    In worst scenario, your boss will take your over performance for granted and will not give a damn, who actually wrote the code...

    As you are good person you will share the credit for all the work. But in long term it gonna be frustrating
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    @dkalinowski not saying he should take the load without taking the credit. Trust me I've had bad eggs in teams, but if you go in negative you have a bad time as well. This is a school project, which means it's for marks, and you can't let them weigh you down. TRY to teach them, but get the project done. Don't cut your nose off to spite your face
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    @qbalsdon ok you're right and a good point is that's the school project.

    I just want to point out, that your approach although good can be a source of disappointment and frustration if not applied with grain of salt
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    +1 @qbalsdon The lesson here is more about how to work with a random team and still get project done. Take it as a chance to practice being a leader. Try to Judge the others abilities and give them task, they can handle, while you take care of the more difficult tasks. But the biggest problem in the end won't be their lack of skill but rather their lack of commitment.
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    Also i guess this is a begginers course? They usually start with something like this as robots are supposed to be a fun way to get into programming. If that's the case, what did you expect? Also the tutors wont be too strict with you and your team, as they are used to this, or should be.
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    When all else fails, get an easier maze.
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    Put them in a maze and record some Jigsaw statements
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    @dkalinowski sounds like a pretty good deal
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    @qbalsdon I'm not a petty person and I believe in learning now so that I don't have to in the future type-mentality.
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