
My life:

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    Have you thought about applying for internships?

    Also what language are you most experienced in?

    AND you can typically bypass internship by getting a entry level job if you can prove you know what your doing, learning and working on your own time having your own projects you are putting your own money and time into, it shows you are passionate about what you do, showcase it on github and YouTube and boom that’s how you do it.

    I think experience maters most but it’s not just experience it’s also passion, are you learning and improving your skills outside of work do you have your own projects OR is this just a job.. etc.. I never hire people who don’t code or have projects electrical or software on the side that they are passionate about.

    I don’t hire people for jobs... I only hire people looking for a career passionate software and electronics wanting to work within a community of like minded individuals.

    A players only want to work with A players... A players don’t want to work with c & d players.
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    Hah scrub
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    well I'm sorry if that advice comes late but I'd say as a student it's handy to get a little job while studying. Depending on your location there might be laws that make that quite attractive for employers and thus easy for a student to find one with decent (for a student) pay in their field. IMO it's worth having to study maybe one semester more in exchange for finishing with a degree AND a bit of experience (along other benefits)
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    Since you're here, you're probably a dev. If that's the case, get in on OSS. Build up a nice GitHub profile. That's what most interviewers I've come across look at first, even before your resume.

    Thing is, anyone can say they program. Actually seeing their portfolio of code proves it, and gives a more realistic view of your abilities.
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    That being said, I've come across so many profiles that just fork a bunch of shit without contributing to any of it or creating their own repos in order to make it look like they do stuff, even though anyone with half a brain can see it's all fake.

    Those people don't tend to advance beyond the technical interviews. Don't be like them.
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    If you're in the US:

    Go to an amazing school and get an internship. Otherwise, lie on your resume.

    If you're anywhere else:
    Apply for an apprenticeship
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    @QuanticoCEO in some places like italy they require you experience for internships as well (which totally defies the logic of internships)
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    @piratefox well, I mean personal projects that have been recorded and documented along the way in version control and you have project documents to support your plans and goals.. I would claim that as valid experience.. even without the documents and just version control.
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