Let’s all try to agree collectively, if we can rid the world of one IDE and/or Text Editor what one would that be...





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    NotePad++ & JavaBased IDEs(eclipse)
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    @QuanticoCEO but what about IntelliJ?
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    @pseudonim my little experience with IntelliJ products has been good, I thought they were written in C++ using the QT framework? Not Java? If they are written in Java then well my statement holds true. But their products performance wise I haven’t had issues like the other java based IDEs like eclipse. But my usage of it has been minimal
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    @lecafe ohhh wow now THAT is something I haven’t seen in years.. lol at least 15 years I think. Haha I think I would keep notepad++ to get rid of code blocks hahah
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    @QuanticoCEO AFAIK Intellij IDEAis also java based
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    I don't see any reason to get rid of some random ide. If you don't like it, you just don't use it.
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    @impune-pl it’s a purely hypothetical post seems like you use IntelliJ and you are now upset I bashed the tool you use?

    The idea of if you don’t like it don’t use it.. well, I work in an industry with high standards, and we do control what IDEs are allows and what are not. Not so much text editors but more IDEs. To standardize and meet compliance, there are also different quarks about some IDEs AND many times IDEs act as a crutch for developers.

    I’ve see it too often the hard core IDE guys Code via Autocomplete.
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    @rooter ohhh hell no... explain... hahah Vim is like the best of all time.
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    @QuanticoCEO Why do you want to get rid of Notepad++?

    It's simple and fast for quick note taking or to see/edit some small file
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    How can you even call yourself a "programmer" if you don't programm in MS fucking Pain?


    Using anything else is heresy!
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    @pmso because I don’t like the GUI, too much going on, the font sucks, and it’s not faster than sublime or vim or eMacs soo it can go bye bye. Also doesn’t support multiple cursors and shit like that
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    @QuanticoCEO i think you got wrong impression here, my first comment was replay to yours about java-based IDEs, and the second one was my replay to the original post.
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    Visual Studio on windows. Rip the skills band-aid off the average dotnet dev.
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    @rooter ahhh well that’s where the confusion was lol .. yeah this was about the worst ide/text editor and if we all could collectively agree if we could to “banish” one what would it be
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    @rooter I agree about removing vscode lol
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    Rather keep notepad++ and get rid of any electron based crap even though vs code is better than vs in a lot of ways.
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    Visual Studio. It's garbage, has always been garbage, and the apologists have no idea what is possible in order to see their beloved IDE is in fact an on-fire heap of trash.
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    @junon agreed lol
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    @halfflat Underrated answer. Nano is really terrible per today's standards. You're absolutely right.
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    @hjk101 I could stand behind that
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    @junon yeah nano is really fast and easy to use than Windows notepad but the missing info function is so annoying.
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    Not IntelliJ but fuck VIM
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    @Ranchonyx Vim is the one true path to spaghetti heaven. You take that back.
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    @QuanticoCEO just FYI Notepad++ does have support for multiple cursors. In the last 5 or so versions an "Open folder as workspace" was also added, and it's super-easy to extend with shell commands/ python and even JS. And there's something liberating about developing in Npp++ time to time without all the type hints and inline docs Vs Code has :)
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    Eclipse, JGrasp and BlueJ.
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    @webketje wasn’t aware of that the liberation is why I prefer not to use IDEs and use texteditors instead, VIM Will always be my favorite next up is sublime. I’ll have to check back into notepad++
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    @junon I refuse.
    It's a straight path into the innermost circles of hell.
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    Y'all talking a lot of shit about Notepad++ for someone in -- range
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