Thing is, I do iOS development, I am almost a senior, holding a business on my own.. But I do not like iOS development and I am stuck here... Whatever company I go, I just get iOS stuff

  • 4
    Gotta commit to not even leaning or offering assistance if you want to break free. If people think they can get stuff from you, they will pigeon hole you as the go to for that task.
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    What's holding you from doing non-iOS work?
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    What would you like to do instead? Deep Learning?
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    oooh i feel your pain. My first dev job was as a mobile developer. My side was focusing on Android and I absolutely-fucking-hated every minute of it. To this day I believe that Android development is a big pile of shit and that Kotlin solves very little of the big fucking mess the Android API is. Seriously, the simplest things to do are lines and lines and lines of code, constraints are shit when developing the ui, you are better served with just fucking around with xml etc etc etc.

    Whereas it is hard to pass obj-c and swift to the web side of things and get jobs for it, Java is pretty marketable in terms of finding web development jobs, so I tried my hand at that. I now a days specialize in full stack development for the web, my point is, if you want to jump ship then try to port as much of your knowledge into a different field. You can do it man, just go little by little without neglecting your main source of income.
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    @asgs A lot of iOS work, side projects too. And learning stuff, for example now I need to read Core Data book from Florian Kugler as I have got app with large database. Never saw database this large.
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    @heyheni OpenGL, C++. I have staryed reading OpenGL superbible few times, now I have finally set up a project with a window colored red :)
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    @AleCx04 Hm, that is very good advice you know. Thank you for sharing, this is inspiring! :)
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    @AleCx04 On iOS, I do all the same stuff all over again, use this button here, apply this constraints here, add new localization, deal with codesigning bullshit etc. I do no feel like a programmer, more like SDK user, like playing with Double LEGO bricks. Not sure if that is the case in other fields.
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