
So yeah, I am completely lost with Unreal Engine 😂

  • 2
    I saw an ad from Udemy for their Unreal 4 class. Something like 95% off list price. You might want to check that out, if it is available where you are.
  • 0
    @xinuxunil there are a few courses on Pluralsight, but they don't focus on what I need. I am trying to create an R-Type reboot with awesome effects and stuff. But most of the course don't seem to be overly helpful 😅
  • 1
    I'm not sure about how helpful this is... Epic game has a youtube channeil full with ue4 courses. Part of them are random, another part are series. The one problem is: ue4 changes with every release a bit. Example: matinee is now called cinematic (iirc).
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