
Anyone else thought about buying a van, putting a desk/couch in the back and driving to scenic places to work?

  • 3
    Might need to add a generator to your list 😁. Unless you could have solar panels on the roof?

    Still...pretty awesome idea 😆
  • 6
    @mrstebo Hadn't you mentioned solar panels, I'd have thought you meant a random generator of places to drive to. I should go get some sleep
  • 1
    I'd like to have internet connection though. But still theres easier version - get in the car, rent hotel room, lets say in the mountains a just go. Did it a few times. Nice idea.
  • 1
    Many camp grounds in the US have electric hookups and WiFi, but there is the cost for the space. That sounds cool, though, now that you think of it; driving across country in an RV and working on the road.
  • 1
    @xinuxunil better than cooking meth lol
  • 1
    You're sick bro - great idea!
  • 1
    Better make sure you've got SSDs.
  • 1
    Yes so so much. Only thing that holds me back is wifi passwords
  • 2
    I used to do this with my van in Australia. Park up by the beach, back doors open, tunes on, beanbags engaged and game on! Can't beat it! 😀
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