
Pair programming with boss, on my computer...
me: $: ls -la
Boss: "use ls -lah"
me: $: ls -lah
A few moments later...
me: $: ls -la
Boss: "Why don't you use ls -lah?!"
me: "My note, my rules"

  • 8
    Yeah... Show him who's the boss
  • 0
    ls -shal
    # is prob my fave
  • 0
    Sometimes depending on permisions, I need to do "fucking ls -la", would be fun to do that in front of others ...
  • 0
    My go-to usually is `ls -lAh` which doesn't show the current and parent directories. If I need them I'll just use the lowercase a.
  • 0
    I always us e:
    Ll=ls -als --color
  • 0
    Hahahaha so many nice suggestions! I use -la only when I need to see hidden files, I usually use ll and l , oh-my-zsh aliases :D
  • 0
    I know about -l and -a, but what is -h used for?
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