  • 0
    Javascript=this bad!
  • 0
    Could also be bad html
  • 6
    ...and here we see an example of someone forgetting to clear their floats.
  • 1
    how does one fuck up this badly?
  • 2
    Well... They didn't just do it on the tree on front wrong. The next tree has the same problem!
  • 1
    Again I forgot to delete position: absolute! Fuuc...
  • 1
    I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is the intention to make it look like a mistake.
  • 2
    Maybe they are running their street in IE 8...
  • 2
    it's working fine in my street
  • 0
    I suspect the person who wrote the order used GPS, standing in each prepared space and wrote down the coordinates, and the fix were off with a couple of meters. And then they said like: "our job is to plant the tree at 59.57....... and 11.33......." and then they didn't care about the prepared spaces, instead following the order to the letter.

    pretty common.
  • 0
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