I almost forgot how much I hate Jenkins. What should be a relatively simple deployment with some straightforward bash scripts turns into 500 lines of "clever" groovy code because devs can't help themselves. Add heinously slow execution times and no good way to test anything locally and I officially want to blow my brains out.

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    Those 500 lines of groovy code - is that Jenkin's fault?

    (I've never even seen Jenkins, so I have no idea, just asking cause it sounds like something that could be done in many other tools too - and isn't a fault of the tool itself)
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    @jiraTicket to be fair, no. You could just run a minimal Jenkins setup and leave out 90% of the cruft. I've just never been at an org that did that. It always ends up loaded with random plugins and pipelines get over engineered because it gives you easy access to a "real" programming language. So not Jenkins' fault, just every installation I've ever seen 😅
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    It was fine back in the day, but I haven't used it for yonks - generally use the cloud based ones now. cba with maintaining my own CI/CD instance 🙃
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    @AlmondSauce my last gig used gitlab CI for almost everything. It had its quirks, but I'd go back to that yesterday if I could
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    That sounds like a dev / devOps Problem rather than a Jenkins Problem to me..

    We have a fantastic devOps team and Jenkins does a superb job..
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    @just8littleBit Our Jenkins environments do a well enough job. Until you're forced to work in them. Making new pipelines or updating existing ones is a giant pain the ass and has been at literally every employer I've had that used it

    You're not wrong, though. Most of the pain comes from the decisions that were made by the teams responsible for Jenkins.
  • 2
    Jenkins is nice, but devs can create absolute frankensteins if they don't work on the quality
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    @PepeTheFrog Frankenstein is actually the creator of the thing, the thing itself is Frankenstein’s monster :P

    Sorry for smart-assing
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