
Do you know what is world needs?

Good fucking tutorials for all programming languages.

Every time I want to learn a language it's a fucking mess. Tutorial here, tutorial there. Read the docs, it's fucking outdated. This person using this design, that person using that.

I am so tired of this shit.

also, for a simple example most website uses some complex architecture, something they think is the next thing.

Even searching for a simple QT singleton pattern gives me a webpage from QT Wiki which uses templates, typedefs and this shits to just show a FUCKING EXAMPLE OF THREAD SAFE SINGLETON.

I really wish there's was a greater platform for this. A platform that follows some certain standard rules for tutorials.

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    If you are learning microsoft things they have greatly improved. They have xamarin university where you can learn Xamarin, c#, azure. They also have channel 9. They used to be horrible up until 6 months ago. Regarding other languages people like treehouse.
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    @georgelynch I am using ms docs constantly for my work and yes it has improved a lot. But I am dealing with QT right now :(
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    @azuredivay yeah, it looks quite promising
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    That gives me the idea to make a community-based tutorial collection site, much like Medium is for writing. Or does this already exist?
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    Totally agree. I don't want ifs and fors and variable declarations. Practical examples step by step would be the best. I usually just for for YouTube videos.
    That being said, Android's documentation is the best in my opinion, hands down
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    I think good programmers come with little opportunities
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    @tahnik I think you're missing the bigger picture here, which is WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU WANT TO CREATE A SINGLETON IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
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    @johnny-I was wondering too. In 20 years I never used them but I have been in asp. Net world most of that time. I saw a Dev use one a few weeks ago to track the active user on a site but I did not understand why. I know you can only have one logged in user but it felt like the global variable from days of old.
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    @johnny-cache I will using singleton fore GUI controller.
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