Pointers and memory handling

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    U r doin' it wrong...
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    The iterator @Xunie the iterator that erase returns is completely valid. This code works very well :)
  • 0
    If all u want is that it werx, u might be thru. But that code is ugly as fuck, r u using visual c++ 6 still or why not writing modern clean c++? And still: why that std::find? U got that iter already!

    You rant 'bout mem n pointers but u got options u dont use!
  • 0
    Looks like vim with a reta color scheme.
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    Game engine?
  • 1
    Naked new/delete means memory leaks. Learn you some smart pointers and you'll love memory management.

    Also auto! Read the latest a tour of c++ and you're c++ life will change.
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