
What do you guys think about MR.ROBOT. I'm loving it. I know I'm late.

  • 1
    It's absolutely AWESOME!!!
  • 4
    Loved season 1, I kind of lost interest part way through season 2. However it was thoroughly great though.
  • 2
    first season is awesome. second was ok, all they had was two good twists. third season this summer is going to be what makes it or breaks it for me
  • 0
    The self commentary and conversation with is dad(himself) has to lessen down, As a viewer keeping track of psychological state is difficult and too much concealing in a psycho thriller makes it uninteresting.
  • 1
    @ajayadav09 the second season was about that, there wasn't alot of story line progression because they wanted elliot's back story and mental state to be addressed. that's one of the reasons I'm waiting till next season to make my opinion of the series, since the second season should marked more or less filler
  • 0
    @jckimble totally agree.
  • 3
    @fbomb haha so did I.
  • 2
    @fbomb I think that was the intention.
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