Not sure if this has been posted before but GitHub has an official dark mode now!

And it's pretty beautiful too
(Especially check out how your own comments look on an issue!)

  • 5
    Almost as sexy as the app 🥰
  • 0
    Pull requests view browser back button still very buggy. I was able to see white view couple of times.
    I also need frequently refresh page to see actual status not some pull requests from last month.

    Black theme is decent but a little to bright for me compared to mobile app.

    Those big green buttons when PR is accepted are screaming to much.
  • 1
    @Jilano login.
  • 0
    Did anyone notice at their activity feed timeline length has been drastically reduced to around few hours 😓
  • 0
    @C0D4 I approve this comment.
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