I waited 8 years for cyberpunk 2077. I also bought the most expensive pc of my life including 34inch ultra wide monitor.

But at the last moment I got fucked by AMD. The 5900x that I ordered was dead on arrival and went back for replacement. But they don't have any stock to replacement. So I am fucking waiting for cpu. They are not providing any information on the stock.

I am getting depressed day by day.

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    Yeah, thank AMD and Samsung for burning through the wafer stock with low yield processes.

    Nvidia still has better raytracing if you're willing to settle for zotac
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    @SortOfTested I already got a beast 3080 for that. The GPU itself weight 2.1kg.
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    Don't worry, full dive VR is coming in 2022. As long as you are ready for that. I hear the headgear may cause headaches and death though.
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    VR is here! Version <insert random number>
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    OK. Am I the only person in the world thinking... Unnecessary hype?

    Especially not worth investing 1000s of bucks if your system could do mid qualitx graphics and you just want a few details more you cannot remember every Detail as you're busy playing?
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    "full dive" VR

    Akihiko Kayaba is the brainchild behind this technology.
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    @Demolishun Sword Art Online....

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    @IntrusionCM the whole system is not for the cyberpunk. I also play other games. Warzone is something I played too much and planning to play on ultra.

    Also I needed system for some time and I think it was right time to buy it. New cpu and new GPU are good .
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    @IntrusionCM Any chance I get. Really
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    @marcus5914 It wasn't meant specific for your case. ;) reason I said mid graphics cause I thought your last setup was below that.

    I'm just really astonished about the hype.
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    @IntrusionCM @marcus5914 I've been waiting for cyberpunk since I finished the witcher 3 about 3/4 years ago.

    The hype for me is more about the story telling and the world building, CDPR is second to none imho. Their attention to detail and cohesion is astonishing
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    @SortOfTested Nvidia does rayfaking. I refuse to call it the industry standard for something else entirely...
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    It supports ray tracing on vulkan and directx api, are there any other obscure standards you would like them to support?
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    Me on raytracing: "Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?"

    20 years ago it was a pipe dream. Now it is a pipeline feature.
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    Are you sure it was dead and not just your mobo needing a firmware update to enable the cpu?
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    @myss the motherboard comes with bios also the was tested by the person who is assembling whole cpu on other ryzan 5 test system.
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    @SortOfTested You fell for it too. All those RT cores and real time API's supported. Yet no videocard today can do real time Raytracing or even speed up rendering of my actual ray traced scenes.
    So yeah it's awesome they made faketracing and preparations for it. I call it Raytracing when it actually can do that completely and correctly without AI predictions that cause glitches.
    Just imagine waiting an hour for your photorealistic scene to render just to have artefacts in it.
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    @Demolishun it's awesome that so much research is being done. I think it will be a huge advancement. The dream is photorealistic VR. Let's build that Matrix!
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    Meanwhile shit looks great, professionals the industry over are fine with it and everyone else is happy. Why punish yourself white knighting terminology?
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    @hjk101 I don't want or need photorealism. I just want Minecraft to use this shit, someday. Shaders mods make Minecraft absolutely beautiful. However, it messes up other mods enough that I cannot "play" with it on. Great for taking screenshots though.
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    @SortOfTested Professionals in the industry are confused. I've had to explain 4 times why the "Raytracing" cards are a waist of money and will even decrease performance in use cases for our team.

    I'm fine with most cloud marketing bs but this misnomer is fucking annoying.
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