
How do you destress after work nowadays?

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    @Root I can't tell if the 2nd line is a hidden word or you keyboard mashing.... 🤔
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    Nvm... Sounds like me... Some guy keeps adding more features to his ask... And I can't say no....
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    @donuts Minecraft with people I care about. Getting Christmas tree tonight.
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    Advent of code.

    Works for the first few days, then it just causes imposter syndrome 🤷‍♂️
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    @AlmondSauce too tired/depressed/demotivated after work, can't do more code...
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    @Demolishun on minecraft of for real?

    Yes maybe that's why I need friends but most ppl I meet end up growing apart or just water-cooler talk...
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    Lie down and sleep for an hour or sometimes two. Works like a complete reset and is guaranteed not to do harm.
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    @Fast-Nop yes but then can't sleep at night, and still gotta get up on time for work.

    Which is harder when you dread work...
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    @donuts Getting real tree tonight. Most nights I am playing minecraft with people I care about. Gonna build a tree in there too. With lights and stuff. I often am in the same room with the people I play with. So a lot of good comradery. Death threats carry more weight though.
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    @donuts This.

    I tried to go to bed early last night because I was exhausted and wanted to finish everything before standup this morning.

    I managed to sleep for 45 minutes and woke up. Couldn’t sleep for four fucking hours, and ended up getting less sleep than normal. Askdfsjdf.

    I can’t seem to do naps unless they’re around noon.
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    @donuts More realistically, I get out the house. Even if it's just walking round the block. Badminton or other exercise even better, if the conditions allow.
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    @Demolishun That sounds nice. I envy you.
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    @AlmondSauce I used to do that weeks ago but it's too cold now and still too busy during the day...
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    I mess with peoples perception of time. Did you know that the great pyramids of giza were built somewhere around 2500 B.C? Cleopatra lived ~69 to 30 B.C and the first moonlanding was 1969. That means Cleopatra lived significantly closer in time to the moonlandings than to the construction of the first pyramids.
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    @lolcube ? BC it's like a - sign? No idea about Cleo and pyramids. I assume pyramids came first?
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    @donuts BC = Before Christ
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    @lolcube yes I figured, hence why I said it's like a negative sign.
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    I get off the computer and watch tv
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    @donuts ohhhh sorry my brain read the - as a hyphen instead of a minus you know like "as a.... Sign?"
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    Wait...you guys destress?
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    @valkn0t @donuts

    waaaait... You guys still work?

    I've just been coasting along lately.

    "Yeah I've defragmented the database last week, and this week I've been busy reordering all the indexes, sorting composite keys by their hashed... potatoes... or something... gotta go my front garden christmas tree arrived I'm going to try and make the leds display a giant penis using my raspberry pi, talk to you guys in 2021!"
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    @bittersweet sadly this team is like when work work.... There's never a day we're not busy with something....

    That or I get all the work and everyone else just like busy...
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    @donuts Yeah same... But for December 2020 I've decided to stop giving a fuck and practice my "pretend-busy" skills.
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    @bittersweet how to do that when there's a hard deadline... It honestly feels like I need to literally find another job to get out of this... Or for me there's to another team...

    Its becoming clearer every day but don't have time to even look...
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    @rutee07 too cold/dark now and naps == can't sleep at night...

    But yes tired today.... So actually going to sleep now... Hopefully not gonna take up in the middle of the night though...
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    @donuts Yeah I think the nice part is that I don't have any real deadlines.

    The sad and frustrating part is: Neither does anyone else at the company, and I recently discovered they all gave up 6 months before I did.

    I was super frustrated because I had high ambitions and couldn't get anything done.

    Now I'm just writing very meaningless reports a few times a week which are read by absolutely no one, about how stuff isn't getting done.
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    @donuts Well, that, and chocolate milk, hobby projects, booze, Factorio, Netflix, baking apple pies, and drawing penises on the company collaborative whiteboard.
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    @lolcube Akhenaten was an alien. Sphinx(s) are about 20K years old. Egypt is amazing!
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    @Demolishun so... Where exactly do you get your stuff?
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    @lolcube So are you going to tell me that the Giza plateau is not in psychedelic colors?
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    @Root I don’t sdiofhnawegt either !
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    I fight work anxiety with after work depression.

    *taps head* sometimes my genius scares me
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    Dabs and doing what i want. I just setup our new network with our own gb router and gb switches instead of Comcast's combo bullshit and I'm stupid because I didn't do it earlier lol
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    @rutee07 well used to work but doesn't anymore... And yes... Can't sleep now after going to bed early...

    Maybe time to try meditation again.... If I can't keep myself from thinking about work tmr.... Uh today...
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    @donuts concentrated manrijuana
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    @Nanos Linux doesn't need defragmentation because it doesn't fragment the filesystem in the first place as long as you keep at least 20% free space on the partition.

    That's because Linux devs concentrate on useful things instead of turning the OS into a bloated and spying piece of shit.
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    Gaming, sleeping, alcohol.
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    @Nanos You delete files and keep using the drive. Also, the logs don't contribute much, except systemD, and you can limit that: https://easylinuxtipsproject.blogspot.com/...
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    Going for a run, cooking and grabbing a beer/wine.

    Not much to do otherwise unfortunately.
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    Its more 12am and I just spent almost 2hrs singing karaoke... Or lip syncing it...

    That actually felt pretty good and fun... Haven't done that in awhile...
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