
He was brave enough to out his name on this... Legacy code, always full of surprises.

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    And people wonder why some of us don't like tabs (\t). Sure, because this looks completely normal, let's set random width for each \t character! :D
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    This hurts.....
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    Stairway to pain
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    @KeyWeeUsr Is funny because some people that use IDEs think they are using tabs but the IDE converts them to spaces ( 4 as default for most )
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    @jpichardo I know, but try to explain it to them and see what happens. :P
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    @KeyWeeUsr I change it to use hard tabs. I don't write my code to look pretty to you. If you want that, change your tab lengths. I'm just wanting it to work, and be normal without a bunch of fixing spaces I need to delete when I need to un-indent
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    @iam13islucky If there's no ecosystem around you, that's just fine, no one cares (really). If there actually is and if the ecosystem has its own style, then such argument is just a silly bashing with a head against the wall without any success of breaking it.

    Btw, if code was meant only to "work", there would be no necessity for actually having it in a readable form. People few years ago were used to work with op codes and punch cards. Try to pull it back to this age and the rest of the coders will hang you on a magnet tape :D
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    Why would someone code like this??!?!
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