
I'm dong it again:
Just learning Python to teach it to someone else.

P.s. I always knew that my hatred of Python was not out of my mere ignorance.

  • 3
    I do love list comprehensions I'm python
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Yes, it's nice. But it could also be done with lambda functions.
  • 4
    It could be done with assembly too, but I wouldn't want to write it. 😂

    Scala's variation is even better at unrolling into expressions.
  • 4
    Python is one of those languages that is simultaneously rage inducing and my go-to language for hacking together quick prototypes when I'm tinkering with something...idk why I keep putting myself through this. I'm tempted to pick up scala for local dev work
  • 1
    I don't know Scala either, but at least it is statically typed :\
  • 1
    @beleg is your primary language of choice strongly typed? I'm accustomed to c# and typescript, so it may be the lack of typing that is so frustrating
  • 3
    @beleg @SortOfTested meh, monad comprehension for the win (of which list comprehension is a special case)
  • 0
    @valkn0t Yes, I'm a Java guy. But it's more than just typing.
  • 0
    Is this object oriented?
  • 2
    @RememberMe That's how I like it, TYPED.
  • 0
    For any other language i would deem that too much an effort.
    But Python is so easy to learn and git good -f origin main at, that it probably is more like taking a day off to relax... Especially when using PyCharm as IDE it really feels like cheating.
  • 2
    I didn't think much of python for a long time, but then I tried it once because I was helping a friend that was learning it in uni... I came to absolitely love it. It's not my first choice for actual projects, that's always C++ for me, but for any quick prototyping, just having fun or needing something simple to automate... If I don't want to do it in shell I'd reach for python
  • 2
    Python is incredible to put something together in record time.
  • 1
    I see Python as a modern Perl tbh - allows you to throw together something really quickly, but I wouldn't use it on anything big - not out of choice anyway. Exception being anything ML based where it's the only sane option.
  • 0
    @rooter I know, and I don't worry. I'm just saying it's far from the object oriented I know.
  • 0
    @rooter 😅
  • 1
    Ruby > Python
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