How much minutiae about CSS do I need to know for hiring purposes?

Should I focus on grid or flex?

Should I focus on mediaquerys before css grid?

What are some things I can safely ignore while studying frontend?

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    Very little if you're not a ux person.

    Flex is where it's at, but have a general overview of both
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    @SortOfTested ok, wasnt sure. Thank you ST. I was over here memorizing things at attribute level, glad to know I dont need to memorize the entire manual.
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    @Wisecrack Like @SortOfTested, I would recommend knowing the basic box model, the positions, displays, floats, and definitely a beginning grasp of flex. Grid is nice, too. You should probably also know how to write media queries (responsiveness) and imports, but I wouldn’t focus on any more than basics there.

    Unless you’re going for frontend, CSS questions should be minimal at best.
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    @Root I dont have formal backend training (college), and have literally zero access to go that direction, and I heard frontend was easier to get the foot in the door, even though I probably know more about backend than frontend.

    A lot of people hate frontend apparently, so people are always looking to move to backend and that means frontend positions should always be opening up.

    Also I love UX.

    I got into game design, and instead of making games, I just redesigned UIs over and over and never once got bored in the four years that I did it on the side.
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    @Wisecrack a front end position focused on ux would be perfect for you then. I think you should try to build web interfaces to learn about css as you go. Focus on making the page looking good on larger screens, tablet and mobile. Media queries and flex are your best friends.
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    @Wisecrack you should be able to roughly implement all of those things you listed and be able to recognize and edit them in existing code. I think your block on backend is more mental, but it sounds like you’ve taken to doing front end anyway.
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