
Slaps on the forehead!
I'm not trying to criticize the fella but if you don't know how to deal with Linux maybe you should practise first!

  • 1
    What the...Wait, I think I get it. I think he was expecting a live desktop from the liveiso, much like "friendlier" distros have. Poor dude will crash hardcore when he has to go through the installation guide for the first time.
  • 0
    Yea he did not understand arch is CLI based until you manually set it up
  • 0
    If he hard about Arch he sure has hard about Ubuntu for sure, and if he has hard about other distros he must have asked himself why are there so much of linux os, what's the differences etc... And if he knows the differences tgen he must know the gravity of situation, so why thz fuck he took arch if he knew ot! Unless someone set this up for him... Or he must be the type of new linux user who was searching for the 'best' linux distro a'd read somewhere that arch is the best and he just grab the iso without knowing and found himself in this situation.
  • 0
    @sam0 I have no idea but he is definitely a new user. New users normally experiment on alot of distributions for curiosity I'm pretty sure he probably used Kali and heard about black arch being the best pentesting o.s anyways whatever floats his boat man
  • 1
    He's not so much dealing with Linux as dealing with a Linux distribution.
  • 1
    A bad idea to start with Arch Linux.
  • 0
  • 0
    Why would he post this to fb?
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