
Had to enter the Apple world when joining the new job.

Used a good hour locating curly brackets, pipe and tilde on that cryptic keyboard.

User-friendly my ass.

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    I'm lucky that I use a MacBook only for some testing, but even than I use Synergy so I can actually use my PCs keyboard and mouse. :)
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    I use an apple keyboard on Linux, but I remapped all the keys to make it sane.

    If you can touch type, you might be able to do the same, though I don't know if you can do it on osx
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    Have fun quitting all your browsers when logging in with your mail address :D
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    @haabe why not bring your own NORMAL laptop to work? (if you have one)
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    Lol, you get used to it, it would be the same for me if I went back to Windows now, the layout would just feel insane compared to what I'm used to
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    Or just use the ANSI keyboard layout. It doesn't change between computers, so you can just merrily type away at your own leisure
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    Alt and 3 for #?!?! WHAAAAAAT!?!
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    I know the feelings on this. I am using a Mac now for Work ^_^. Had to naturally install Tmux.
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    I did learn the position of the hidden keys, so no need to switch between keyboards.

    But the "but it's so user-friendly" argument I've heard from so many fan boys over the years really got a dent now 😂
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    @chrishind10 ANSI is part of the ISO standard though 🙃
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    You seem ignorant with these statements. Locating keys on a keyboard would result in the same issues was the scenario reversed.. it is all about adapting. I can't find the Windows keys now, but they are programmed in my muscles on my Mac.
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    @foldager At least the keys are marked with all their respective characters on a Windows keyboard.

    The Apple MacBook Pro and the Apple Bluetooth keyboard handed to me are minimalistic in their appearance and are certainly not showing these characters.

    Which characters you find at what key is also different on various keyboard language layouts.

    You're welcome to call me ignorant. I still think Apple has a keyboard design that's not user friendly at all.
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    @haabe they're not all marked on all keyboards..
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