
Been working for a guy who seems not to care about his employees... Haven't been paid for the last 3 months of 2016.
Now my internet bill comes tomorrow I have nothing. What a way to begin 2017

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    @h3ll promises, he knows how to convince BS into people. Plus I really like what I'm working on.
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    Yeah, I don't believe the lies now.
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    @marc do yo have any contract? What he is doing is against the law. Sue the cunt. But really seek legal advice. In the UK theres plenty of free services for legal advice on employment law etc.
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    When you've done the work he can't say anything he just owes you , you'll win any court case
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    Don't give him the product without payment
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    Hold his product hostage. Take him to court. He will lose more if he has to wait for a court order to get his product back
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    Like others said, hold onto the three months of work until you get fully paid.
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    @fireserpent If you're technically an employee, he owns the product, bad move to hold it and would go against you when you take the cunt to court. First move – get legal advice.
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    @helloworld it's also illegal to not pay your employee
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    @ScribeOfGoD ...and he will counter sue you for holding the product. Don't you get it? The best option is to take him to court, but you will not be judged favourably if your hands are not clean so to speak. I'm not defending the cunt.
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    @helloworld true he doesn't technically own it but if he isn't paying you it's a breach of contract and that is no longer a problem.
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    @fireserpent look up clean hands doctrine and you will understand why you should not hold the work. It will fuck you ip if you go to court. I am not talking about wether he has a right to or not, it is simply a matter of doing things correctly in order to win damages against the cunt.
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    @helloworld Not really, it's not their property until an agreed upon compensation is delivered in exchange.
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    @Wallpaper if you are an employee (not contractor) it is their property. Payment is for hours and is a separate issue, the project itself is irrelevant.
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    @helloworld The fact that the employee hasn't been paid in three months makes your entire statement moot. The employee technically isn't an employee as the employer breached contract, and the employee doesn't have to deliver anything until compensation is delivered in exchange for their service. Test your theory and not pay your power bill for 3 months.
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    @Wallpaper nope. You are wrong. Trust me on this. Or not. Im not bothered.😄
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    @helloworld "You're wrong because I think I'm right" 🙄
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