
God I hate my job I hate my job I hate my job.

I know that you are supposed to make more than what you have been hired in the first place today, especially in tiny company, but I expected to code a little bit...
This week, all I have to do is to deep-etch pictures in photoshop, send packages, answer the phone, do the SEO and be the community manager on Facebook. No time to code at all.

I just have to stay till august, then I will finally be able to switch company. Please make it fast...

  • 0
    This is actually one of my biggest fears regarding my first real job...
  • 6
    @Letmecode Actually, it's not because I am a woman, but more because I am one of the only two employees ^^ when I am at school, my colleague who is in the exact same contract, but one year younger, does the same stuff as me, even if he's a male. I already said my teachers that my boss shouldn't be allowed to hire trainees if he isn't willing to make them work in the right branch, but they don't listen to me :/
  • 0
    Wait till August? No! Gift yourself a new year present
  • 2
    Consider leaving a note about this on Glassdoor. I'm sure other developers they'd like to hire would love to know about it. 😊
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    @asgs I can't leave, I need this job to have my diploma! But I will never work again in such a small company :/
  • 0
    Work on your own projects at work.
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