
What's the most rediculous questions you've been asked?

*While studying logic gates and binary at Uni* What's this got to do with computers?

  • 4
    It's like when in math class at school people are like when will I ever use this 🙄 I ain't doing it

    😐 Fucking idiots
  • 2
    I don't mind the questions too much, happy to try my ability to explain stuff.

    Another question was:
    - Can you call methods from other methods?
  • 3
    @IainVM Ah, reminds me of a guy from my programming class that asked if I'd have a look at his code because it "looped strangely". He thought that he needed to call back into his main at the end of every method. No idea how that guy made it beyond the first semester. I honestly enjoy stupid questions, that and my ginormous ego keeps me from developing imposter syndrome ^^.
  • 1
    @Godisalie I can actually rationalize that train of thought. E.g., the person didn't understand where execution begins after the method terminates, thinking you have to manually return to main. Maybe they're used to goto's xD
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