
Programme that simulates the rolling of the dice when playing the Risk board game.

No more dice that fall off the table. No more dice that throw the figures into disarray.

  • 2
    I think Risk's dices is a part of the Risk's charm...
  • 8
    Looks like your laptop is about to fall off the table though.
  • 1
    I'd usually agree. However that's not correct if you're playing on a rather small table
  • 0
    Naaah 😊
  • 3
    So sad, that's one of the fun part of these games. Throwing the dice to the face of people making you lose!
  • 3
    Nice job. I wrote a complete replacement for Monopoly money back in the day. So instead of keeping/calculating cash during the game, I had my laptop open, entered players' names in some boxes and exchange of money was handled by simple large buttons. Included keyboard shortcuts and predefined values like $1k,...
  • 3
    There's an app for that.
  • 4
    @delphiboy The best part about Monopoly is having all that cash, counting all that cash, throwing all that cash in the faces of the losers.
  • 2
    @Grundeir That might be true for older versions but later we had a newer one with cards and a card reader that couldn't throw to anyone's face! And my little program still worked flawlessly
  • 2
    Add a secret API so that you can control the number generator with your phone 😈 "Oops, three sixes again, we'll look at that, now I control Asia..."
  • 1
    After loosing badly, one of my friends suspected I'd done something like that
  • 0
    Perhaps too much to handle for my non-tech friends
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