
When you actually have time!

  • 1
    This website has left me intrigued what is it? :o
  • 2
    @carlos it's called wakatime. There are extensions for most editors out there and very easy to set up :)
  • 2
    And it manages your time? It has integration with Github or something to measure the commits?
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    @Saborknight it just keeps track of which projects you work on and how much time you spend on them
  • 1
    @wahr learnyounode took u 9 hrs?
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    @nummer21 unfortunately it just counts how long your IDE or editor is open on a project, not the actual programming. I obviously take breaks during and usually just leave it open :)
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    @wahr atleast in sublime, it gives me the actual time coding, I have editor with x tabs open all day and it shows the actual time on invidual files
  • 1
    @cahva perhaps the sublime extension is better than the visual code? Idk. truthfully I don't check or use the dashboard TOO much but occasionally do glance at it just to see the times
  • 2
    Oh wow nevermind I am ignorant :D I do now see on the project page that it gives you the breakdown. I also see that was when I had the chrome extension so it was logging both that and then the actual programming. It also logged my game of thrones watching at the same time and chrome://newtab/ lmao
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