
Me: Hey man, this code looks horrible, let's move this to a function.
Co worker: don't worry, we will make it better later
Me (thinking): yeah for sure...

  • 0
    Tend to put a @deprecated @todo bla bla in comment, that way it's easy to find it again and know wut to do :p
  • 1
    @lotd you're not helping
  • 1
    Heard this so many times. "We'll put it on the next sprint".

    Never happens.
  • 3
    Left my last job because of this way of thinking. Everything was build crappy. If I do something i want to do it the best i can. Or no at al
  • 1
    "We can do it later. It's not a priority."
  • 0
    Refactor refactor refactor
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