
I hate the fucking fakeness at my corporate workplace. Everybody's kissing everybody's ass. What' worse is that individually, they're nice people but the environment changed them and they don't even notice it.
Also they fucking congratulate themselves for their fucking great work but all they did is basically a big crud app. We're all just a bunch of code monkeys. I'm so getting out of there.

  • 4
    Everything in this world is fake.
  • 0
    Existence is pain
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    @divil haha, that's really nice of you. Yeah, sure, why not. :)
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    @tsuby @divil could you give me some details like the company's name so i can search for it and maybe apply?
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    Are you in a big company?
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    @divil haha, it's "salut". never thought it was that bad. I guess we have a really bad reputation there. :(
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    @divil it sounded weird at first tbh šŸ˜ but yeah, i got it
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    @tsuby @divil okay I legitimately was really confused at first because it's "îmi ești dragă" (or drag depending on gender) [Romanian keyboard OP] as opposed to "mi" which is without the first î

    Point is you misspelled you British banana

    Da, știu românește - sunt născut in America dar părinți mei sunt români si vorbim românește acasă :-p
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    @AngryDev Also i tend to ramble on a lot.... sorry :p
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    @AngryDev that spelling is not actually a problem. Because when talking fast for example the î can be silent so you can basically do that in writing too.

    It's nice that your family speaks Romanian at home. :)
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    @tsuby yeah In speaking but it threw me off when I first read it had to read it twice lol
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    @dingo999 I'm looking forward to a change of scenery also. Do you work at/for a startup now? How does it compare?
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