

I bagged the job! All of that hard work paid off!

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    Gratz 😊
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    @burtybob Thank you :D
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    Congrats man!
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    Sweet, congrats!
  • 11
    Am I the only one wondering how much the pay is? Lol
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    Congrats man!

    Christmas gift for you
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    @jdmkaan nah. You and I both.
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    @pchater have they offered more or less than what the agent said?

    Congrats, regardless!

    Just can't help feeling you may had done yourself out of some extra cash here.
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    @jdmkaan @stalinkay Oh I won't release that info on here, just for confidentiality. Hence why a lot of it is censored out. Just to protect myself and the company I'm working for :)
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    @spences10 I offered to go in at a certain rate, to me I'm not bothered about salary really, I haven't got x amount of years in commercial experience, but plenty in personal projects, friends, family etc and my own self learning. I have had 6 months experience in commercial taking that into account.

    However I have given a bottom line which I will be able to live on and the company agreed. Once my experience grows so will my salary that's the bonus and benefit.

    I start out small and work my way up the ladder.
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    @pchater that's great mate 👍 that should be really rewarding. I trust the salary increase has been written into your contract??
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    @spences10 I don't know yet, at the moment they are taking me on for a month at first, then after that I'll get a review. I can't blame them though, they're really a genuinely honest company. Very transparent. I will check the contract when I start as my official start date is on the 3rd.
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