This is ace. If you are on mac get nova from panic.


  • 2
    > It costs more than sublime text.

    > VSCode is free.

    > Only runs on Mac.

    Yeah no, I’ll skip that one.
  • 4
    My rule for development tools (and basically everything else) is they have to run on every operating system. I don't do vendor lock in.
  • 3
    Just opened an angular Project.

    > Folders are not organized in sidebar

    > Intellisense doesn’t work

    > Non Standard Keybindings and no presets of existing IDEs

    > No support for font ligatures

    > Editor layout can’t be quickly changed on-the-fly

    > Uses safari for preview

    > No true emmet support

    > An valid TypeScript file with 40+k lines of code load slower than in VSCode without Syntax highlighting and scrolling is really janky with artifacts on the minimap

    Just a small collection of things I already hate. It looks beautiful, but that’s about it.
  • 1
    mac and cheese
  • 1
    What teh hell are you doing with 40k lines of code in one Typescript file?
  • 1
    @myss Deprecated Swagger Generator that puts everything in one file.

    We can’t upgrade to OAS3 yet.
  • 2
    Sorry I spoke. I gave up a kidney to by this Mac, show a little sympathy.
  • 0
    @helloworld did the app got the same key bindings like vscode?
  • 0
    @volttide No, worse than Xcode
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