
I may cool off a little bit after this rant:

One of my junior coworkers weirdly peeks into my screen while I code or do any stuffs - this is what I hate the most.

Also whenever we discuss something by my desk, he looks for the opportunity to touch my Mac every goddamn time. Even after I told that shitwit several times about it.

Once, I went to have a conversation with a senior engineer just a few desks away only to come by and see that fuckface peeking into my project.

I had to tell him off with my absolute verbal retaliation.

  • 1
    I know, I hate people peeking on my screen whether I write code or not. He might be weird , or maybe like you know.. He might creepily like you. Good luck fam
  • 3
    I have the exact same problem , except it's in school, and he doesn't code, and it's in class, and he turns the laptop off, when I haven't saved
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