
tl;dr: What dark theme are you using in IntelliJ?

After seeing how easy it is for my coworker to do refactoring in IntelliJ, its git integration, some Emacs-like features in it, and generally because he made me believe it's an all-in-one IDE (is that right?), I'm considering leaving Sublime for IntelliJ.

The thing that's stopping me though is that I'm not able to find a good Monokai color scheme for it. I am using Boxy Monokai theme in sublime, and it's just awesome.

What dark theme are you using in IntelliJ?

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    Dracula with Fira code as the font and ligatures enabled.
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    @h3ll Yeah, that's sort of the best one I could find and yet, you can't even begin to compare it to any monokai theme of sublime.
    Which I don't get. Is it technically impossible to create a color scheme as beautiful as the ones in sublime for IntelliJ because it's a java app?
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    @brukernavn32 Haven't tried the combination. But sure will do. Thanks.
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    Best thing that happened to me this year
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    You can download themes, there's lot on the net. I personally use Material UI theme, with some color customizations.
    You can reproduce sublime monokai theme I suppose, just get the colors with a color picking tool :) you'll spend a bit of time, but it's so much worth it
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    @willol *Cough* Sublime also has theme files. Just go into your hard drive and find those theme packages. All the color codes, even with some more-or-less self explaining descriptions. Copy paste. No color picking. Just don't.
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    @goofle waste of time, you almost always get another color and again: huge waste of time. I did it like that in the past too, before i started thinking systematically.
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    @darksideplease Oh so you're only against the use of color picker, right? I though you meant the whole thing.
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    @goofle No! I would never say that. Sublime Text forever! I still need to buy it though...
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    @darksideplease I feel you. It is a big change for me to. I always liked sublime for being minimalistic, lightweight and yet so extendable through packages. But I have to try IntelliJ at this point, I can't deny my desire to.
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    @darksideplease yeah, your absolutely right! I use color picking 'cause I don't have sublime, I color pick on screenshots of different themes :)
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