
and what a merry christmas it was...
thanks devRant for the small app size!

why are apps so big/bloated these days!!?

  • 13
    I hate that, too. All those small apps with less functionality than a knife and sizes bigger than 20mb. Uaahh!
  • 8
    Electronic Arts is the worst.Just downloaded their game over 700MB.I thought I would be able to play offline only realizing i still had to be online to play.WTF??Why then the large files ??? Ended up uninstalling the piece of garbage.
  • 7
    Perhaps because they don't use standard UI elements and have to include lots of resources for that
  • 6
    Probably all the tracking functionality in there
  • 0
    Lots of fancy helper libraries.
  • 1
    "libraries". Also iOS apps tend to be larger. A ~30 Megs app on Android is 70-80MB on iOS. All because of resources. They were going to saperate them and make apps smaller but abandoned it just before iOS8 launch due to bugs and never followed up with it.
  • 0
    Multi architecture code has also its fair share on iOS, because most devs do not yet support Bitcode.
  • 0
    Don't forget that devrant is made with web technologies. Thats why its lightweight.
  • 0
    Usually is third party libraries people in upper management want for several kinds of analytics.
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