I wish I could do aliases on windows like doing on linux. I would alias shutdown with a fork bomb.

  • 1
    PowerShell provides cmdlets for aliases that you can almost convince yourself are the same as *nix aliases, if you're in to that sort of thing.
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    @Romulus10 Yep, listen to this guy.

    Set-Alias np c:\windows\notepad.exe
  • 1
    Also, if you do 'Get-Alias' you'll see that Unix commands like 'ls' are aliased to 'Get-ChildItem', which in turn also has an alias of 'dir'.
  • 0
    @TktStatusPICNIC I'm honestly not sure if they still support doskey. I know they did in earlier versions but a lot of versions of cmd.exe seem really quite limited to me.
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