
GNU/Linux users of devRant, what Distros do you use and why?

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    Debian of I need something stable (server, mom's PC, etc).

    Arch for personal use because I got sick of having to maintain packages outside the package manager if I need something resembling recent. It also lets me add thy bloat I want, instead of hacking it away.
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    Ubuntu via crouton cuz Chromebook.
    I've tried Arch using chroagh but it's no longer being maintained.

    Before that I had cycled between Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, and Fedora on a regular PC laptop. Mostly stuck with Ubuntu and Arch because of the communities, support, and documentation. Ubuntu cuz easy, Arch cuz I feel like I have much more customization power from the beginning; everything must be configured.
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    Centos, I learned this OS
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    I can't keep myself hammered down to one distro. I use a laptop with Win10, Kubuntu, Arch, and I'm working on LFS.

    Edit: forgot reasons.

    Win10: gaming
    Kubuntu: Stable(?) Low-maintenance eye candy
    Arch: Tinkering and such
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    When I use Linux I use Mint - because it just works and has a great DE (Cinnamon).
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    Arch at home, CentOS for production servers, Ubuntu for play-around-with-stuff servers.
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    Arch on my PC, because, b*tch please.

    Ubuntu 16.04. LTS on my server because my hosting provider doesn't offer an arch image and wouldn't let me just install my own. Fussy buggers.
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    Ubuntu because it was an easy first choice, but I'm thinking to try Kubuntu, cause I love Qt and like KDE.
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    Ubuntu 16.04 for desktop Cos it serves me well.
    Centos and Ubuntu server on company's servers
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    Centos for server unless I'm asked to dontnetframeworkify then I'm stuck with windows server.

    Chrome OS on some random cheapass laptop. Windows and Ubuntu on 'the' pc
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    Mint 'cause it works out of the box (except Bluetooth, Bluetooth is a piece of shit) and it's preeeetty!
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    ubuntu, because... it is ubuntu
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    Elementary OS. Even though I've tried many distro's, I just keep going back to eOS. It's beautiful, lightweight and just works.
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    Ubuntu because I needed a simple distro but I might switch to Debian once I get the hang of it.
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    Antergos, because I can get Arch Linux without having to install it.
    Fedora, because I wanted another distro to test my projects on.
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