
worst thing about programming as a job is deadlines, im awful at deadlines

  • 2
    I hate deadlines too. I just want to code better, not faster.
  • 1
    I love deadlines, without then there is no point to do anything
  • 2
    @maximizer I know right? That sense of urgency, the stress, the need to find more and more efficient ways and in the end delivering what you initially thought to be impossible... That's where the fun's at.
  • 4
    As an engineering student, I am always working with deadlines from uni. Though, at my job we're pretty pessimistic, so we usually always have deadlines we can match.
  • 0
    @Godisalie man man, you exactly know what I had in mind
  • 1
    Deadlines are what accelerate you, your code and your progress. I don't love them like @maximizer but you need them just to get things done.
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