  • 27
    10cm away from bed: Wifi works like a charm...
    In bed: WiFi is dropping the connection every 5min
  • 2
    Why does that happen?? They signal strength seems to be consistent across my 40m^2 apartment🚻
  • 2
    Dont underestimate the shitty router design.
  • 1
    Try eero / Google Wifi. You'll be amazed!
  • 0
    @Fulai-Qian it can happen when you put to much of a load on the router.
  • 2
    @ElCapitan I have this exact problem. Outside the bed frame it's 100%. Once in bed it keeps dropping. I am starting to think it is the metal bedframe that is interfering with the radiosignal.
  • 5
    Just exchange your wifi password with the one of your neighbor and you will be both happy! ;)
  • 0
    @xios my bed is wooden except for the screws. Doesn't explain it. Plus my laptop keeps dropping connection on a table the as barely out of line of sight of the AP.
  • 0
    To be fair, you should add to this graph the signal strength of your neighbor's WiFi.
  • 1
    In my experience it's mostly the areas with too many WiFi clients in one spot.

    Whenever I see people connect static objects using WiFi I die a little inside. Just route some damn ethernet, people. You'll thank yourself in the long run.
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