
Any Emacs users here? I've seen several editor discussion in devRant but rarely mentioned Emacs. I wonder if it is really not loved…

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    Proud Emacs user here :P
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    I've tried to get into emacs, but just can't. All the keystrokes feel overly complicated and it's so slow to load.
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    @psudo 300ms from cmd on win8.1
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    @KeyWeeUsr It takes nearly a full second on my laptop and the only packages that are selected are ensime, use-package and a theme. Meanwhile my vim with about 15 plugins loads pretty much instantly.
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    @psudo well, I won't argue, I see it's slower than some other stuff too, but I load all files (a LOT) I have opened lately. However, even e.g. Python is slow compared to other languages. When there's nothing else, people start bashing the speed. :P

    Although, I have to try Vim finally too, I'm just too lazy to install it on Windows.
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    @KeyWeeUsr I mean I want to like it. One of my favorite professors loves it and it has some tooling I'm super jealous of. I'm sure the start up time would be more bearable if I was better at emacs (like using its terminal emulator, etc). I think I might just be too used to vim now.

    I don't think it has an official windows client yet, but I recommend trying out neovim. It's got a lot of improvements over normal vim in a fairly short time.
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    I thought there already was Vim for Windows. Well, thanks for the NeoVim at least ^^
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    There is an official vim for windows. It also includes gvim (vim with a gui) and some different configurations like vim easy (which i do not recommend if you really want to learn vim).

    I can also recommend the vimtutor guide which comes with most vim installations on linux/osx (not sure about windows). It is basically a simple text file explaining the basic usage. @KeyWeeUsr

    The only problem is that in other editors i often type :w or :wq ...
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