
WhiteHatJr Licks Donkey Balls.

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    context? also you don't need to out # in front of tags here.
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    That’s why it’s so great! Even Elon loves it. And every kid gets a 3mm job at Google, right?
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    @F1973 #hashtagpolice
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    Edutech company in India that engaged in misleading marketing that bordered on predatory and got lit up for it.
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    @SortOfTested @junon adding to that, they harass you on lawsuit on women abuse, there own director does this shamelessly. Thet have affliations with clickbanks to boost up likes, engagement etc. There guys call you at late night explaining their side on things, basically threatning you. There's lot more fucked up things happening...
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    @faptain and tens of thousands of fake reviews!
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    @sheriffderek yes they have some clickbanks/IT cells on contract. I know of one it's name is Aiplex Private Limited, there job is to shun any voice, they specialise in false youtube copyright strikes.
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    New-age sweatshop education. Sick.
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