
First time used the TDD approach. I knew I needed to use it but never quite used it cause I thought it would slow me down. I was so wrong!
Mocha and chai js rock 🤘

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    I keep trying to get into it but it often feels so backward compared to the way I normally think about coding, so it doesn't always happen. :/
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    @garrettw setup your build and test suite first thing in a new project. Found that helps.
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    @mohseen Yeah, it helps at first, but it's usually not long before I feel the urge to write code as I think of it rather than writing the behavior of it first. As I'm a PHP dev, my suite of choice is PHPSpec. It makes TDD (or really BDD in this case) easy, but you still have to make yourself conform to that way of doing things.
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    @garrettw oh I get you know, yeah adapting that takes time. I write node Js applications, so writing the specs first, API later is a bit more easy and natural process.
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    @mohseen I write fully-OO PHP so don't think I'm using it the way most people do ;)
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