
Studying multimedia developer course Class year one learning HTML.
Build this with tables and inline styles....

Assignment was clearly written and you where able to copy past most of it.
I was like fuuu. I build it in CSS and external style sheet.

Time set for assignment 4 days, time used: 3 hours.

This was in 2008......

I hope now for you students out there that it has changed and you are learning proper coding and are correctly challenged

  • 0
    lol no
    Arrays are 3rd year stuff here
  • 2
    @Falk you would expect they start with arrays at 0😝
  • 0
    When I was studying at my university we had a web development course.

    When I took it we were assigned to do a website using Microsoft Frontpage. This was like 6-7 years ago.

    A year later they started to use Joomla for the same subject.
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