
Alright so I have to create an API that communicates with a web interface and three different back end systems. And I think my customer might have thought that I am actually Jesus because they didn't have any docs for their systems and their policy did not allow me to gain access to their internal testing environment (which. Drove. Me. NUTS) and expected me to create this API by pure guesswork basically. After teaching the customer's internal IT guy how to capture requests between the systems I managed to somehow got the prototype working. I am proud and sleepy. ... Mainly sleepy

  • 2
    I feel your pain, nice job
  • 2
    God damn minimax customers be like:
    "Look. It's quite easy to understand. I give you nothing. You fullfil all of my stupid dreams and hopes. Any questions? No? Alright. You are the best! (Shut up and get to work)"
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