My colleague left her PC unlocked with an open project so I changed all her IDE colors to white. White text on white background! 😈

  • 31
    She deserves it for using netbeans
  • 7
    @RazorSh4rk We are doing a college project therefore we have too use the same tools as the teachers

    Besides, I really don't know why NetBeans has so much hate. I've tweaked it to my liking (changed the position of some Windows, change the icon sizes, change the theme to Darcula and installed some extra plugins) and I'm quite happy with it.
  • 0
    I remember I used to LOVE Netbeans I quit after Netbeans 7.1
  • 3
    No, you really don't.
    My college uses eclipse and I still use intellij. You just gotta know how to use it to do what thet do in their own IDE's
  • 0
    This is just evil
  • 4
    Not being able to screenshot, fine.

    But was this horrible angle really needed?
  • 0
    You sneaky little
  • 0
    @perix2 microsoft word
  • 4
    Did you at least backup that project? Because I'm pretty sure she will accidentally delete half of it while being confused AF
  • 1
    @Duckman Although she left her computer unattended, the teacher was still in the classroom. I had to be discrete.
  • 2
    @n1had Actually her reaction was: "Why did you had to change the text to white?" 😂
  • 0
    @eeeddr The thing is that NetBeans is the first IDE that they teach you to use therefore I'm completely at home with NetBeans (tho I was quite familiarized with Visual Studio before starting to work with Java). I've already tried to use IntelliJ but I couldn't even start a new project with it. Since I've my NetBeans installation tuned to my liking I can't find any reason to justify learning to work with another IDE, even if I have all IDEA software for free because I'm a student.
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk What's wrong with Netbeans? It's a decent IDE for various languages, and best of all, it's free.
  • 0
    I never said anything bad about it, just that he didn't have to use it. I've never used it myself but a few friends have and said they didn't like. I myself use intellij. The only problem I have is with people that use the light theme, but that's another story 😛
  • 1
    @RazorSh4rk why is net beans bad? I like it a lot
  • 0
    I dont forgive any ide if they have a drag and drop gui creator
  • 1
  • 2
    @ReliantFever735 OMG, THAT'S EVEN WORSE! I've to try that one out 😁
  • 0
    @RazorSh4rk You only use it if you want to, you know that right? Also in NetBeans you can uninstall ir if you want to, since the Swing Builder it's just a pre-installed plugin
  • 2
    @milkbytes she is smart, have to give her that XD
  • 1
    Douch haha
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