Hi everyone my name is Dylan, but people call me solario eh im an empty web developer! no ideas in my head about what i should create next, the only thing that helps is InnerText in this senario i found my first application on school computer!!! no more web based glitchy ides i have the perfect one right here =D,

  • 2
    Wow you use a chromebook, I still have not used one but I feel like I would be stopped by the lack of apps
  • 1
    If you use blocklauncher for MCPE, a path that would probably be interesting for you is Forge API, Fabric API or Spigot/Bukkit API for minecraft java.

    It's all in Java and quite honestly well documented.

    That would mean a delve into OOP languages but if you're determined to and like minecraft, you'll able to do mods in no time.
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    @Ranchonyx Correct!, i do use bukkit , the api and other sources, i mostly make the GUI's =D
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    @ddit i used to use tablet :-;, not anymore! its an upgrade!!, this app is amazing nothing can stop you if you keep pushing 😄
  • 1
    @Solario360 have you tried using direct Java? For Forge/Fabric mods?
    It opens way more possibilities than Bukkit or Blocklauncher
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    no i havent i keep getting errors for my guis cause it says CTX isnt defined which is com.mojan.minecraftpe.currentmainactivity, i have heard of plugins like eclipse i have seen dream codes his plugins and its a server where you run the command, no i havent used pure java before
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    also the mod menus guis and stuff are java its just putting java in javascript, block launcher is javascript , you have to import the lang for it to work
  • 2
    No, I meant you should try Minecraft Java modding.
    The java version, not PE.
  • 0
    no i havent
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