
A program that generates a nice amout of money to travel the world and organize the stuff back home.

  • 1
    I'm pretty sure this already runs somewhere
  • 1
    probably, but not for my good 😁
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    You could just use some of the money for research and do all of those things and then just not deliver anything.
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    Work at a bank loan yourself money, void the loan. Free money since all loans are money that does not exist till you pay it back
  • 1
    @penderis hmm, you're right. In Austria this is a common thing to do.
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    @darksideplease wait really? Sounds like counterfeiting money and fraud to me. Could end up with serious jail time for that stuff. (Hopefully my sarcasm meter didn't malfunction)
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    @gjack905 nah, sarcasm meter is verified working :) in austria it was quite common in the last decades for politicians to fraud (?) money and then deny it and still be able to walk around freely. Google: "hypo affair austria"
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