What's the perfect way to present the date of birth entry field or what works best for you?

  • 11
    The one that reads my mind and thinks I'm 22 🚬
  • 6
    just show the calendar and let people select
  • 5
    I always hate DOB fields.
    But, if you can make it a single date picker and not a multi input, then it's not so bad.
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    The first two are going to confuse Americans. The last one is probably the most accessible.
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    I would go for last one
  • 3
    @junon Yeah i kinda like the last one more however a colleague of mine here says that by forcing the user to switch between the keyboard and the mouse at quick succession may affect UX.
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    Actually it's easy to do with keyboard as well
  • 3
    The first one is easier to change the format for internationalisation, for example to mm/dd/yyyy for Americans, should allow both pop up calendar selection and just typing the numbers.
  • 4
    @junon @nibor
    Fuck that. Most of us would prefer day month year. Just more random shit we have to keep around for the olds.
  • 4
    @theabbie Thanks for the hint nevertheless calendar widget is the current default. I noticed most users ignore the dob field and when i made it required bounce rate skyrocket. After a short survey majority says they find the calendar widget tasky, others say too many clicks to pick a date which prompted the need for change.
  • 1
    @GiddyNaya you can keep both, keep a button which can also be used to select from widget. Also, you can create a custom date picker widget with scrollable picker. There are lots of possibilities and you can simply find some codepen for a convenient custom date picker.
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    the first one for me personally because it's the fastest to fill in.
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    I'd say pure test but you're always forced to write it in the iso format
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    the second one
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    @GiddyNaya I hate with a passion pop up calendars for dob, that default to today's date! Then I have to click a shit load of times just to select my year of birth!
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    Single input with a mask.
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    @GiddyNaya posts like this are what I come to devrant for (that and shitposting).

    "I had w problem. I checked x. implemented y. The result was z. Heres why."
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    @GiddyNaya I agree with your users, calendar input is too many clicks and none of them look the same so you can't get used to them. I prefer the second or third one that I can just tab through and input quickly
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    2nd one.
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    Or especially the first one if it corrects you automatically. Like if you type a dash it replaced with a slash and pads with zeroes automatically.
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    jQuery datepicker forever.
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